- Dec 12, 2017
#BarbourChristmas: 'Mother of Daughters' Christmas Traditions
16th August autumn winter 2017
16th August autumn winter 2017
Clemmie Hooper, also known as ‘Mother of Daughters’ is a parent of four daughters, much like the Mum in our Christmas film. We find out how she, alongside her husband Simon, spend the festive season with their young family…
What would you say was the most important thing about Christmas for your family?
Exactly that, family. Getting everyone together whether it’s the year we spend with my family or the year we spend with Simon’s family. Being all together for Christmas is the best feeling. Both our families live outside London so escaping from the big smoke for a few days is a great feeling, even though our car is stuffed to the brim with presents!
Would you say you were a family of traditionalists when it comes to Christmas, or do you have your own unique twist on celebrating the festive season?
When we buy the tree, around the 15th of December, we always let the older girls choose a decoration to buy. Then we play our Christmas playlist and decorate the house, drink fizz and let the kids decorate the tree. Once they’re in bed we then re-decorate the tree and I hide all the tinsel (I hate tinsel). We then sit down and watch 'Home Alone' and 'The Snowman'.
Do you have any old Christmas traditions from your childhood that you’ve passed on to your little ones?
The decorations tradition was something that my parents started and we’d always get our stocking presents too which were never wrapped - but Simon wraps all of the kids' much to my annoyance. Christmas morning is still the same routine, wake up (but not before 7:30am) open all the stocking presents on our bed, then we’ll enjoy bucks fizz and smoked salmon bagels. The main presents under the tree are opened later, there’s always a Christmas Day walk, and we tend to eat lunch around 3 or 4pm.

Let’s talk Christmas dinner - what do you all have for Christmas lunch and what’s your favourite part? The traditional Christmas turkey with all the trimmings of course! I like the evening part when small people are asleep and the cheese course comes out, and normally some hilarious games
Do you spend Christmas Day together at home with family or do you travel to other family’s houses to spend some of it there? This year we’re hoping to spend it in our new house and invite all the family. But usually we take it in turns.
When it comes to deciding your Christmas tree, what do you look out for to help pick the best one? This is all down to Simon I don’t care as long as it doesn’t shed a million pine needles all over the floor when someone sneezes!

We loved seeing your homemade wreath over on your Instagram, who chips in when making your decorations?
Simon and the girls are really crafty and I’m more of the finishing touch type of person, adding the essential ivy, red berries etc.
Can you tell us about your most special Christmas family memory or moment?
When I got my dolls house at age 6. It was the most magical dolls house I’d ever seen, with lights and wallpaper. My father had salvaged it from a charity shop and had been working on it for months in his shed.
Before Santa makes his trip around the world on Christmas Eve, what do you and the kids do to make sure he stops with his prezzies?
The classic mince pie, sherry and carrot for his reindeers. He always leaves a thank you note and sometimes reindeer droppings in the garden!
Will you be spending this Christmas just like you always do? Or do you have any plans to change it up?
This year all the family are coming to us in our new house, 17 in total!
Shop Gifts For Him or Gift For Her in our festive gift guides or discover more about the Barbour Christmas campaign here.