- Feb 10, 2023
Barbour People Events: Where to Find Us
Discover more about Barbour People
You may have heard of Barbour People whether it’s through our Instagram, Facebook or on our website! You may have even been lucky enough to spot our Barbour People team out and about in your local city. But what exactly do we mean when we say Barbour People?
Well, for us, inclusion is everything from the fishermen to the farmers, rockstars to royalty, the remote to the city dwellers and everyone in between. Barbour People is a celebration of all of the real people in our Barbour community from far and wide. It brings together people from all different walks of life, with one shared love, Barbour.
Travelling all over the UK, the Barbour People team is always on a mission to find our Barbour community and see what you’re wearing, how you’re styling Barbour and get a glimpse of all of the lovely places we find you. Whether it’s a trusty wax jacket, a fleece, an overshirt or all of the above we want to see how you wear it and hear your unique stories.
What is Barbour People?
Last year, Barbour People visited Edinburgh, London, Manchester and many more places all over the UK and even Sylt and Munster in Germany, and this year we intend to make it even better!
There are many places that our Barbour communities thrive and every location or event we visit always makes for an inspiring and unique trip. Once we choose our line-up we visit one a month, spending the day looking out for those trusty Barbour jackets.
Whether we find a university student in their parents old Barbour jacket or a business owner out on their lunch wearing a timeless classic trench, or someone just popping to the shops wearing their trusty and reliable jacket, we want to see you all!
Get involved!
It is up to you whether you take part but if you decide to, we can assure it will be an enjoyable and unique experience. We ask all of our Barbour People to fill in our Barbour People card, decorated with photographs of previous Barbour People events, giving you an insight into how your photographs will look!
There is also the opportunity to share your contact details and a cherished story that reminds you of your Barbour jacket. We love sharing these stories and the Barbour People community loves reading them, and each Barbour jacket or item has its own story, waiting to be shared.
Our Barbour People photographer will then guide you through your own mini photoshoot, capturing beautiful pictures for our social media and our Barbour People galleries. Before you go, we will give you a Barbour People pinbadge, a token for this memorable experience! You can also take this time to have a look back at your photographs, make sure you’re happy with them and even get them emailed to you. Frame them, stick them on your fridge or just check in on the Barbour People page or Instagram to see your photo proudly placed joining this remarkable community.
Check out our spring-summer 2023 event dates and make sure to bring your Barbour and a smile - and stay tuned on our Instagram as a reminder for each date!
Barbour People Dates
See below where and when we will be in town! Bring along your best, oldest, favourite Barbour!
February 4th – Tynemouth
February 20th – London City Trip
March 26th – Oxford Boat Race
April 20th - York City Trip
April 28th - Windsor City Trip
May 5th - Boston City Trip
May 19th - Durham City Trip
June 3rd - Belsay Horse Trials
June 29th - Newcastle City Trip